Recently, school shootings have dominated the airwaves. From the coverage of scenes of the shooting to the airing of interviews, political speeches and protests, school attacks are at the top of the agenda in our nation. Individuals are plotting and planning to attack our children at school – mostly because they know they will receive maximum attention from the media. But they also choose schools because they are soft targets.

What’s a soft target? A soft target is a person or place that is especially vulnerable to military or terrorist attack. Think schools, churches, and even many work places. Even though many schools have resource officers, who are police officers that serve as a first line of protection, many times the officers are near retirement age or years removed from the rigors of street patrols. This troubling fact actually begs the question: Who is protecting our children?

In the most dangerous cities, many school districts have implemented measures to deter violence in school. For example, in tough inner city schools, you may see metal detectors, multiple armed security guards, strict entry and exit enforcement and rules requiring students to wear clear backpacks. These measures will deter incidents to a certain degree but are they enough?

For example, what if the shooter decides to enter a school without a weapon and pull the fire alarm so that students rush out the building into the crossfire of his buddy waiting outside? What if the shooter simply waits for recess or the end of school to attack? What if the shooter attacks during an event like prom or homecoming? Who protects our children then?

Schools need a complete site assessment to determine if entries/exits, windows, and other areas inside the building are secure. Additionally, the entire school property and all events should be assessed. A good security solutions company would complete an assessment from the vantage of the attacker. They would consider high areas that look down on entries and exits, choke points, views from windows and even the probability of driving a vehicle through school entries. Lastly, a good security solutions company would review school fire drills, active shooter drills, and other disaster drills to ensure that they are viable, updated and practical. This is in addition to weapons screening upon entry, clear backpack requirements and onsite security officers.

Schools have a critical need for active security officers. They need officers that are inconspicuous but alert and available when the situation requires it. They need officers that can observe, report and act if necessary. Most importantly, schools need security solutions that are well planned and thorough. They need this plan executed by smart, well-trained security professionals. Only then will our children be protected.

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